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Breathwork Alchemy: Break Thought Loops & Create New Stories

  • Adose Wellness 1450 P St NW Washington, DC, 20001 United States (map)

Are you tired of the same old story playing on repeat in your mind? Join us at Adose Wellness for an engaging workshop designed to help you cut through the noise of old thought loops with the power of breathwork.

Discover how breathwork can shift you out of your head and into your body, loosening the grip of old stories to create new ones. This workshop will enable you to:

  • Find relief from an old loop that is holding you back

  • Feel the magnetic potential of a new possibility

  • Drop deeply into your body and remember your true power

In this experience, we will use an activating three-part breath to drop into our bodies, release old loops, and welcome new stories.

Complimentary optional Honey Bloom edible offered after the event to integrate the experience

Note: By signing up for this event, you agree to the Release of Liability.


  • 30 mins: Welcome, Breathwork overview, Journal practice

  • 45 mins: Breathwork experience (~25-30 minutes of active breath plus integration time)

  • 15 mins: Group shares and integration

About Meghan:

Meghan is an advanced trauma-informed breathwork facilitator, veteran fitness instructor, corporate executive, and student of transformation. She believes in beat drops, deep conversations, the occasional late night rave, and returning to your inner rhythm. Her approach to wellness is warm, approachable, intuitive, and grounded. Her mission is to spark curiosity for your own journey home.

March 12

Monthly Breathwork Healing Group @ UDYC