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Recharge Your FRQNCY | Monthly Breathwork Series (Virtual)

  • Virtual on Zoom (details shared the day of the event) (map)

Each month, come home to yourself in this virtual breathwork series. We will open with community connection, and then move into ~25-30 minutes of active breath, followed by a period to rest and integrate.

Your FRQNCY is the unique lifeforce inside of you. This guiding inner rhythm is always within you, but gets clouded by modern life, societal expectations, and past experiences.

In this breathwork group, you’ll have the space to clear away extra layers you are carrying, and amplify the truth of who you are. When you connect deeply with you, you will find the peace, love, and solid ground you seek,

Everything you are looking for is inside of you. Join me each month to remember how powerful you are.

Recharge Your FRQNCY - Virtual Breathwork Workshop

Includes live Zoom workshop and access to the recording.


What is Breathwork? Breathwork is an ancient and powerful healing tool that uses the power of your own breath to shift your state of being. There are countless benefits, but the most profound is a deeper connection with yourself. From here, you can heal and transform your life.

What should I expect? Your experience will be completely unique to you and what you need, now. No two breathwork sessions are alike. In general, you can expect to drop out of your head and connect deeply with the wisdom of your body to release energetic gunk, process emotions, and experience deep self-love.

What if I can’t attend live? The session will be recorded and shared within 24 hours for you to view on your own time.

What do I need for the workshop? All you need is yourself and your open heart. For the best experience, I recommend having a safe place to lie down where you will not be disturbed, a journal, an eye mask, and headphones.

About Meghan:

Meghan is an advanced trauma-informed breathwork facilitator, veteran fitness instructor, corporate executive, and student of transformation. She believes in beat drops, deep conversations, the occasional late night rave, and returning to your inner rhythm. Her approach to wellness is warm, approachable, intuitive, and grounded. Her mission is to spark curiosity for your own journey home.

March 12

Monthly Breathwork Healing Group @ UDYC