Out of your head and into your body

I help you soften your mind and connect with your power so you can live the life you’re meant for

Hi, I’m Meghan

I know that there is a lifeforce within you just waiting to be authentically expressed. My mission is to help you sift through the noise and connect with this unique inner rhythm, so you can live a life that is true, free, and joyful.

I spent most of my life anchored to other people’s vision of success and disconnected from my own heart. It didn’t bring me happiness. Many years of deep inner work have finally unlocked the fulfillment and peace I was chasing in the external world.

I created FRQNCY to bring the tools that have transformed my life to you in an approachable, social, energetic way. I believe that going within is the most powerful choice you can make, and it doesn’t need to be boring, scary, or lonely. FRQNCY is here to show you how.  

I can’t wait to support your growth!




I focus on body-based healing that connects you to your deepest self:

Group Workshops

Grow and heal in a supportive community in group Breathwork classes

Corporate Wellness

Improve employee engagement and wellbeing by bringing Breathwork to your workplace

1:1 Transformation

Unlock deep personalized growth and transformation in a loving, healing space

What is Breathwork?

Like a pressure-release valve for all the unprocessed emotional sh*t you are carrying around. As the most powerful self-healing tool on the planet, breathwork is a safe, effective, and scientifically-proven way to feel better, stress less, and transform your life.